Why Python programming language?

Bay, ocean, Lanzarote, photo by Vlad Madejczyk
Is Python programming language still worth to learn? The short answer is: YES. 

The main advantages of Python language are:
    1. simplicity, I mean, it can be also flexible and complex, but it is very easy to understand and start learning, compared to other languages
    2. has very useful libraries
    3. can be used not only for web development, but also for creating scientific software/applications

Python is excellent option for Web API online applications (FastAPI or Django Rest Framework), but also for typical server side development - Django, Flask. Using Python frameworks usually speeds up development significantly.

The main reason, in my opinion, why it is still worth to learn Python language is the fact, that Python is not only a very good language for web development as such, but also native programming language for Data Science, Machine Learning, and in general for AI development.

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